*************************************************************************** pg. 1 Angelique Retour Secret Side Episode 2: Julious's Young Memories (Part 2) by Miko Mitsuki pg. 2 [no text] pg. 3 Julious: ...This is the Guardian of Darkness's room. Outsiders can't just barge in here. SFX: ::clutch:: Clavis: ......... I didn't come here because I wanted to......... Julious: ...What? SFX: ::click:: Man: Julious. Perfect timing. Allow me to introduce you. pg. 4 Man: The Guardian of Darkness has been alternated. Starting today, Clavis here will be the new Guardian of Darkness. You're about his age. You'll have to look after him. pg. 5 SFX: ::CLATTER:: Julious: ............ What happened...to the previous Guardian of Darkness...... pg. 6 Man: He's already left the Sanctuary. SFX: ::clench...:: Man: Julious? Julious: I won't accept this. I... I'll never accept _him_ as the Guardian of Darkness! pg. 7 SFX: ::SLAM!:: Julious [thinking]: Why... Why...! How? Julious: .........! Julious [thinking]: How could this happen... _so suddenly......!_ pg. 8 Man: Julious. About Clavis... We're trying to train him as a Guardian, but he's...like _that._ As you can see. Julious: ...... Man: Couldn't _you_ try talking to him? pg. 9 Julious: ...Why should _I_ do it?!... Man: You're near his age... ...and your Sacreas run counter to each other by nature. Light and Darkness. And it is because your natures are so diametrically opposed... ...that I think you have a lot to gain from each other. Clavis: ...Julious. pg. 10 Clavis: ......Here... That time before... You dropped it in the room and left it there... (So...) Julious [thinking]: He was carrying it _around_ with him? Julious: ............ Julious's Father [in flashback]: Devote yourself whole-heartedly to the service of Her Majesty. Julious [thinking]: Father. Shion [in flashback]: I know you have the potential to do well as the head of the Guardians. Julious: ...The...previous...Guardian of Darkness...... pg. 11 Julious [thinking]: I have to stay strong. SFX of horse: ::clop clop:: pg. 12 Julious: Clavis! What are you doing here?... Everyone is looking for you! Clavis: ......... Julious: This may be the Sanctuary, but the forest is still dangerous when it gets dark! Come back! SFX: ::HUGGGG::: Julious: _Clavis!_ SFX of Clavis putting rabbit directly on Julious's face: ::FLUMP:: pg. 13 Julious: ..._!?_ Clavis: The animals... they're warm...... They remind me of how Maman felt...... SFX of Julious grabbing rabbit to separate it from his face: ::SQUOMF:: Julious: Clavis. Don't you have any _pride_ as a Guardian? pg. 14 Julious: When we first met, didn't you say that "I didn't come here because I wanted to"?! I can't _understand_ you! Don't you _know_ what an _honor_ it is to be selected as a Guardian? We are _chosen!_ We are _special!_ It is our _destiny_ to devote our lives to the service of Her Majesty! An attitude like yours is a sheer _affront_ to her! pg. 15 I Honestly Don't Know Whether This Word Balloon Belongs to Julious or Clavis, Since They're Both Staring at Each Other Right Now, But the Immediate Panel Shows the Rabbit, So I'm Attributing This Line to Him or Her: .............................. Clavis: ...Julious... ...you've never once felt lonely since you came here...? Julious: I've _never_ felt lonely. SFX: ::clutch:: Clavis: ............ .........Really?......... pg. 16 Clavis: That's sad. I think......... pg. 17 SFX of rain: ::splash:: ::splash:: ::SHAAAAA:: Julious: ...... Stop it... pg. 18 Julious: Don't... _Don't LOOK at me that way...!_ Julious [thinking]: Why... pg. 19 SFX of Julious turning: ::WHIRL!:: Clavis: _!_ Julious [thinking]: _Why?_ I've fulfilled _all_ their expectations. I _know_ I've done everything _perfectly_ - _haven't_ I?! Everything I've _done_... Everything I've _felt_... TO HAVE IT ALL _DENIED..._ by someone like _him!!_ pg. 20 SFX: ::SHAAAAAA:: pg. 21 Clavis: ...Julious... pg. 22 SFX: ::rustle...:: Clavis: ........................ ........................ Julious: What are you _doing._ pg. 23 Clavis: ........................ I thought maybe you were crying...... (So...) Julious: I _DON'T_ _CRY._ SFX of Julious getting up: ::FLOUNCE:: Julious: Your thoughts and feelings are utterly beyond my comprehension! So I was thinking. About how I could manage to get along with you. pg. 24 Julious [thinking]: I was born to be a Guardian. If I am not perfect, my life has no value. So I cannot falter. pg. 25 Julious [thinking]: As the head of the Guardians... ...I must face any challenge. Julious: We should come together. For each to compensate where the other lacks. You will learn from me - and I will learn from you. And so, eventually... pg. 26 Julious: we will uphold Her Majesty's wings as the perfect Guardians of Light and Dark. SFX: ::BEAM:: pg. 27 Clavis: ...... OK. Julious [thinking]: I must simply move forward. pg. 28 Julious [thinking]: To become a light for others and lead the way. Julious, now in present day: _Clavis!_ SFX: ::clack:: ::clack:: ::clack:: Julious: _Why_ are you unable to get up earlier in the monring? _Honestly._ You haven't changed a _bit_ in all these years. Clavis: ............... I didn't want to tell you............ Julious: _What?!_ Servant: Your Majesty. pg. 29 Julious: Julious, Guardian of Light, and Clavis, Guardian of Darkness, have arrived. Julious [thinking]: That is the path I must walk...to be a guide for all. *************************************************************************** Translation by R. Capowski, 5/29/15; Angelique is the property of Koei/ Koei Tecmo/Tecmo Koei, by whom this document is not authorized. Yes, they completely gave up on the idea of Julious talking remotely like a five-year-old in this chapter.