LUNAR STROLLING SCHOOL CHAPTER 3: FIND A TEACHER! Narration: Elie and Rena have made it through the entrance exam safe and sound. Now they must find a teacher on their own... [Elie and Rena are in Steel's office.] Steel: I'm the school's headmaster, Steel. Elie, Rena, congratulations on passing our exam. Now you must find a teacher for yourselves at once. Rena: Find...a teacher? Steel: Correct. You did think that you were coming here to study, didn't you? Rena: Of course, but Elie... Elie: Rena came for the free food. Steel: Here, we believe that if the students have the initiative to come here and study of their own volition, they should be able to select their own teacher. Well, do your best. Find a good teacher. But, then again, of course, all the teachers at this school are good! Ha, ha, ha! [Elie and Rena ask around the Iyen offices for advice...] ~Chit-chat~ Steel: Did you want to know more about the teachers? Dadis lives in the west part of town. Iason teaches in the large dojo to the west. Steel [on subsequent occasions]: What's wrong? Haven't you found the teachers? Brown: Oh, Elie! The teachers will increase your strength by teaching you many magics. You should check in with them in between study and training sessions! Eleonora: Headmaster Steel will teach you many attack magics that will increase your power and lend your allies strength. NPC: Aruba's magic waters can transform items into different ones! The waters only affect herbs, though. NPC: It's only a rumor, but I heard that the old student scout has learned of the existence of a dreadful magic power! If it doesn't grow any stronger, though, we shouldn't be hearing anymore about it. NPC: Iason teaches the martial skills and magic needed to become a strong warrior. I hear he's quite strict! Emma: The teachers? Tereina's is west of the town square, and Ralph's is east of these offices. Emma [on subsequent occasions]: Hmm? Have you visited with the teachers yet? NPC: Emma will teach you healing magics! NPC: That ethics teacher that has all those books lying around never seems to leave his house! NPC: Dadis does a lot of strange research concerning make-up. He lives in the lab on the outskirts of town. [Elie and Rena exit the offices.] Rena: Well, then, Elie, let's go find a teacher! [The duo search about and explore Iyen...] ~Chit-chat~ -At the town square/flower circle- NPC: If you'd like to study herbs under Master Brune, go to the herb shop. NPC: The teacher of ethics lives alone on the eastern part of Iyen. He seldom comes into town. NPC: Aruba's magical supply shop is terrific! Go see for yourself! NPC: What is this, a treasure hunt? NPC: There's a teacher in the tall tower nearby who supposedly studies the stars. -At the dorm, 1st floor- NPC: Life here is so structured - but that makes it easier, I think. Cook: Hmmm, what'll I make for today's menu... Dorm Ward: If you don't enroll with a teacher soon, they'll expel you from Iyen! You don't want THAT to happen! -Dorm, 2nd floor- NPC: Don't spread this around... but I really don't listen when the teacher is speakng. Frizzy-Haired NPC: What's this?! Leave my room at once, if you please. NPC: Hmmm, I wonder if I should keep on studying... NPC: I wonder what's on the menu today? NPC: Oh, if I don't get to class soon... NPC: Of COURSE I hate tests! -Dorm, 3rd floor- NPC: It's convenient to live near your teacher! NPC: I'm just starting classes, so I'm nervous! NPC: I still haven't found a teacher, so I'm anxious... By the way, have you two found one yet? Dorm Ward: If you don't enroll with a teacher soon, they'll expel you from Iyen! You don't want THAT to happen! -Various Houses- Gray-Haired NPC: I've been a student here for a long time! Faux-Shopkeep NPC: Tough going, isn't it, girls? NPC: I hardly ever gain weight, but I wonder if I'm really thin... Faux-Shopkeep NPC: Care to buy something? NPC: Oh! I haven't seen your faces around here before! New students? Faux-Shopkeep NPC: Hey, hey, c'mon in! -Robe shop- Shopkeep: [entering] Welcome! Our robes are famous for their quality and durability! [exiting] We'll be getting some new robes in soon! NPC: Iyen's teachers are all good folks. -Dadis's house- NPC blocking door: Hey, hey, you can't come in here right off the bat! Look around elsewhere first! -lab behind Dadis's house- NPC blocking door: No, no, NO! You are NOT allowed in here! [Scouting around dispensed with, Elie and Rena enter Iason's dojo.] ~Chit-chat~ NPC: I'm going to get really strong! NPC: Master Iason teaches group attacks magics as well. Of course, they're nothing for us guys to learn! NPC:'s harder...than I...thought... [Our heroines talk to Iason, a muscular, stern-faced, blond middle-aged man with a scar 'cross his nose.] Iason: Hm? Do you wish to become students in this prestigious class? [Yes-No prompt; choose Yes...] Iason: This dojo was established to forge real men! Women are forbidden to train here! Rena: Eh - what?! Iason: Women have no courage! Rena: What a nasty thing to say! What a chauvinist pig you are! You're not even letting women show you what they're capable of! Iason: ...Mmm...very well. I'll allow you to take the entrance test, then. Rena: All right! That's the spirit...MASTER. Iason: If you wish to become true men, go into the "Man's Dungeon" out back! If you defeat the monster there, you'll gain the true proof of your manhood. Bring it back here, and I'll admit you to the class. Rena: That's all? No problem! Iason: Ah, but the monsters within are some of the strongest on all of Iyen. With your current lack of experience, you probably won't be able to brave the dungeon. But, you were the ones who I won't stop you... ~Chit-chat~ Iason: You still haven't gotten proof of your manhood! [Rena and Elie head off to the Man's Dungeon...but the monsters there are advanced far above their level. After losing a hopeless battle (I suppose the fights here could be winnable, but you'd have to be at a ridiculously high level), Rena and Elie find themselves back at Iason's.] Iason: Just as I pushed yourselves beyond the limits of your capabilities. Women cannot become true men after all... Rena: There isn't any reason for women to become men! [I suppose equal pay for equal work, assorted periodical biological annoyances, etc. aren't issues on Lunar.] Iason: I suppose I understand. Well, find yourselves another teacher. ~Chit-chat~ Iason: Come back, have you... My stance is unchanged. Please find another teacher. [On the opposite end of the spectrum, Elie and Rena head over to the singing teacher, Tereina, a slender woman with long blonde hair tied back.] ~Chit-chat~ NPC: My singing's nothing to be proud of...but the teacher likes me, so she did me a favor when I asked her and agreed to teach me. NPC: I want to be as good a singer as Miss Tereina! NPC: I, too, just barely got the chance to study under Miss Tereina. NPC: Miss Tereina is so cool! NPC: The power of song bestows happiness upon others. [L & E talk to Tereina herself.] Tereina: Oh! New students, I suppose? Let's begin the audition, shall we? [Tereina plays the piano and sings.] Tereina: La, la, la, la, la... [Luna should file for copyright violation. Tereina stole the lyrics to her song.] Tereina: Now, then, you try it! [Rena tries...] Rena: La! La! La! La! La! [but sings...well, like the gal in the Meryod tavern.] Tereina: ...? That was...peculiar... Let's try it again. [Tereina resumes playing, Rena resumes singing...] Rena [still off-key]: La? La? La? La? La? [Tereina abruptly stops playing and turns to Rena.] Tereina: Rena. Rena: Yes? Tereina: Perhaps singing isn't your thing. Rena: HUH? W-what do you mean!? Tereina: There's nothing I can do for you. You just don't have an ear for music. [Rena sinks back in shock.] Rena: Hu...h... way... [Rena leaves. After checking with Tereina...] ~Chit-chat~ Tereina: I think you'd best find another teacher. [...Elie goes outside after her...and finds her taking her anger out on a nearby tree. After several good punches, Rena rejoins Elie.] Rena: S-singing's okay, but I think I've had my fill of it. C'mon, Elie! Elie: [sweatdropping] [The two girls head on over to Aruba's shop.] ~Chit-chat~ Shopkeep: [entering] Hey, welcome! We've got some good items here today! [exiting] We're always coming up with new items here at Aruba's Tool Shop, so stop back soon! If you ever need a tool or item, don't hesitate to drop by! NPC: Wha, wha, what? Don't understand you - lemme 'lone! NPC: I didn't know studying under Aruba would be this tough! NPC: I wonder if this's really my calling... [Our gals talk to Aruba, a short, fairly old man with gray curly hair and a mustache.] Rena: Excuse me-- Aruba: I'm sorry, but my class's full. Enrollment's over here! Rena: Ummm...I see. ~Chit-chat~ Aruba: Enrollment's over here! [Rejected at Aruba's, Rena & Elie head next door to Brune's herb shop & greenhouse.] ~Chit-chat~ Shopkeep: [entering] Welcome. [exiting] Master Brune's herbs are always fresh-picked! NPC: I'd like to enroll, but I have to help out with these herbs first. [The girls meet with Brune - who's apparently of Ghaleon's branch of the magic race/Vile Tribe, with their distinctive pointed elven ears and red eyes. Brune also has almost-shoulder-length blond hair.] Rena: We've come to register! Elie: Boy, you're all ready to go. Rena: This's right up my alley! Brune: I'm very pleased! I need some more students - but, are you certain that this is the right class for you? Rena: ? Brune: You see, we handle a lot of poisons here. They're often an outfit like the one you're wearing would... Rena: Wha-WHAT! But--but--how can I ever become a bride if my clothes get all ragged? Teacher, I'm so sorry - but my skin's too sensitive! ~Chit-chat~ Brune: Let me tell you something you can use to your advantage. If you combine Aruba's magic waters with herbs, you can create many different kinds of items! Take the Calm Herbs. If you combine them with the Water of Light, you'll get Calm Medicine. If you combine them with the Water of Defense, you'll get Restorative Medicine, which is a powerful healer of grave wounds. Be sure to take some herbs with you whenever you go out exploring! [Better-informed but still without a teacher, Rena and Elie trek on over to the library (which isn't very well organized - there're books stacked all in and on the shelves, books on the floor, book covering the bed upstairs...).] ~Chit-chat~ NPC: Ralph accepted me into his class, but... I'm not all that crazy about learning just from books. [The gals meet with the stout, brown-haired, bespectacled librarian, Ralph.] Ralph: Hm? You...wouldn't be interested in joining my class, would you? Hmmm...well, it makes no difference to me. Rena: Yay! See, Elie, we've nothing to worry about! Narration: Thus, Elie and Rena began to study as Ralph's pupils... Rena: Master Ralph, what will you be teaching us? Ralph: Well, start by reading some of these books around here. Rena: Books? Uh...that's it? No lectures or training or anything? Ralph: Ummm...maybe you're right... When you've read all the books around here, we'll think of something else for you to do. Rena: This class is nothing but reading books? Ralph: Well, yes. Rena: That'd be much easier compared to the other teachers, but... I don't think just reading books would be much fun. Let's go someplace else, Elie. I'm sorry, sir, but we'll be going elsewhere. Ralph: Really? Well, it makes no difference to me. ~Chit-chat~ Rena: I'm sorry, sir, but we'll be going elsewhere. Ralph: Really? Well, it makes no difference to me. [Exasperated, Rena and Elie head back to the offices for help.] ~Chit-chat~ Emma: Oh, my - you two look down. Haven't you found a teacher yet? Have you visited Dadis yet? He should be back! Steel: Hm? What's the matter? You haven't found a teacher? Well, that's a problem! Have you tried Dadis's? He should be in. [The girls go to Glen for further guidance. Glen lives in a small wood cabin in the forests on the outskirts of Iyen Island. He's often away, but this time, he's home...] Glen: What? You've been to all the teachers, and NONE of them fit the bill?! Say, have you been to Dadis's place yet? He should be back by now... [This time, he indeed is in. The girls reenter his home/classroom...] Rena: Ugh. What horrible taste in-- Strange Person: Who're you? Yeah, you over there! [The person - a peculiar-looking androgynous fellow with a long blond hair and a long, lined face - approaches the girls.] Strange Person: I'm Dadis, teacher of make-up magic! [Yes, that's "make-up" as in "cosmetics".] Who're you two? Rena: Some students in search of a teacher! Dadis: Hmmm...yeah, well, I guess that's all right. You'll have to pass the entrance exam, though! Rena: Entrance exam? What is it? It sounds tough... Dadis: No, no, no, it's quite simple. Just go to the underground room and get me the "Shinsha" stone down there. Rena: That simple, huh? Well, wait right here, teacher! We'll bring that back to you right away! [Dadis walks to a nearby doorway.] Dadis: The underground room's at the foot of these stairs. Get me the stone, and I'll let you in the class. ~Chit-chat~ Dadis: Get me the stone, and I'll let you in the class. [The gals go into the underground - which, though containing enemies and random battles, is so small that it's a cake walk to get the small, red Shinsha stone.] Rena: The "make-up" teacher, huh? All righty! Well, that was easy, wasn't it? Let's make this Dadis our teacher! [The girls go back upstairs. Dadis has apparently some garnered some other prospective enrollees in the meantime...] ~Chit-chat~ NPC: This's the first teacher I've visited. This seems like the right place for me, but I wonder if I should look around more? NPC [at lab table]: Ohhh...why isn't this color coming out right?! [Rena and Elie bring the Shinsha to Dadis.] Rena: Master Dadis? Dadis: Hey, who're you? Rena: Um...we brought you back the "Shinsha" you asked for! Dadis: Huh?... Oh...that's right, that's right! Sorry, sorry. I forgot for a minute. Rena: Eh? Dadis: By the way, what're you here for? Rena: ARRGH! We. Brought. You. THE SHINSHA STONE! Dadis: Ohhhhh... But why'd ya do that? Rena: Oh, brother....IT WAS OUR ENTRANCE EXAM!! Dadis: ...Oh... Was that it? Well, you passed. You'll have to work hard from here on in! Rena: Yes... Narration: And so, the two became Dadis's pupils... [The screen fades to black except for the two girls. Elie turns to Rena...] Elie: I'm a little worried about that teacher. Rena: What do you mean? Hey, I'm here! Everything'll be okay! Elie: Now I'm even more worried. Rena: Eh? Whaddaya mean? [The screen fades completely to black.] Narration: But even more troubling events would transpire in the days to come...more troubling than Elie could ever imagine... END CHAPTER 3 Lunar, Lunar Strolling School, et al. are the property of Game Arts and Working Designs; this document is not affiliated with either. Translation by; please do not repost this document without permission.