Translation of Shiin's (Sean's) quest, Phantasy Star III, Japanese version Notes: Name differences are noted below. If some of the Japanese name romanizations don't match the ones used in the Compendium translation, it's because I've finally given up on trying to figure out PS3's bizarre name changes and variants. An inconclusive attempt to hash things out can be found at In rough order of appearance, continued from Ain's quest: Sean --> Shiin (This is another "I give up" translation like "Riik"; see ps3names.txt for discussion.) Divisia --> Grandirecta Aerone --> Pilota Alair --> Luise ("lu-ee-say") Kara --> Luna Skyhaven --> Clanclaire New Mota --> Foundry (probably not an exact translation, but it's the closest I've got, so it's staying) Neo Palm --> Neo Parma Yeah, I know about Dark Force's debatably real Japanese name, but we're not going there. Also, the "y" in "Mystoke" is pronounced as a long "i". Many thanks to Neilast and Mike Ripplinger for use of the format employed in their PS3 English scripts - which can be found at, if you'd like to do some English vs. Japanese side-by-side comparisons. If you'd like to take a look at the original Japanese script, it can be found at Disclaimer: Phantasy Star III and all related official works are property of Sega and the PS3 design team members; this document isn't affiliated with either. Translation by R. Capowski at, revised 4/8/18 (revision to one line 1/21/19); please don't repost this document without permission. Other PS3j quest translations are posted at ----------------------------------------------------------- PHANTASY STAR III COMPLETE SCRIPT (Shiin) ----------------------------------------------------------- =*= Third Generation =*= ----------------------------------------------------------- The Adventures of Shiin, Prince of the Azure Moon ----------------------------------------------------------- (Ain chooses to marry Lann.) Ain: In Lyle's stead, I promise to protect you all your life, Lann. Lann: Lord Ain... Narrator: And so, Ain Le Cille took Lyle's daughter Lann to be his wife. The two founded a new kingdom on Satellite, the Azure Moon. War never ceased, but Ain defended the Azure Moon splendidly. Soon, the two had a child; they named him Shiin Le Cille. This is the story of Ain and Lann's son, Shiin Le Cille. THE AZURE MOON ----------------------------------------------------------- (A soldier approaches the throne of King Ain.) Soldier: King Ain! Something's happening on the world below! Aaah! There's a burst of light coming this way! It's a laser attack from the spaceship! It's hit Satellite's energy reactors! (A series of laser blasts comes from Alisa III and hits the Azure Moon. Explosions begin to rock the small moon.) Soldier: Satellite's going to explode! We have to evacuate - hurry! Ain: Shiin, my son. We've protected Satellite for many years, but this is the end. As king, my fate is bound to that of Satellite - but you are young. You must live on. Take the shuttle and evacuate at once. For now, take refuge in Riik - Riik, the homeland of my father. Farewell, Shiin! Live for us... Lann: I can't leave Ain... Go with your people! Hurry! Mieu! Searren! Look after Shiin! Goodbye, my son... (Shiin resists, but Searren drags him to the shuttle. Mieu is with them.) Searren: Lord Shiin, hurry to the shuttle! You must escape! (The shuttle takes off as more blasts hit Satellite and the satellite is destroyed. The shuttle then lands in the desert world.) Mieu: We seem to have touched down in the desert dome. Lord Shiin. Riik... ...let's head for Riik... HASATAKA ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyborgs: - VISITORS ARE RARE IN THE FORGOTTEN DESERT TOWN OF HASATAKA. - WE ARE AFRAID OF DAMAGING OUR FELLOW ROBOTS, SO WE REFUSE TO FIGHT. - THERE'S A WELLSPRING OF WATER THAT HAS APPEARED TO THE SOUTH THAT HAS NO APPARENT SOURCE. - AN ANDROID GONE MAD WANDERS THE DESERT. - IF YOU HAVE SUBMARINE PARTS, YOU CAN DIVE INTO THE SPRING AND FIND THE SOURCE OF THE WATER. DESERT WORLD ----------------------------------------------------------- Miun: Oh! You are Lord Orakio...I've been waiting to see you for... ...? NO! You're not Lord Orakio! You don't have his black sword! Oh! Where is my Lord Orakio? HYURRI ----------------------------------------------------------- Townspeople (Men): - The world has gone crazy! Robots battle Orakians; monsters fight Layans! Townspeople (Women): - Welcome to the Island Village, Hyurri, thou who bear the blood of heroes! YAATA ----------------------------------------------------------- Townspeople (Men): - It seems that someone is directing the monsters and robots to attack the populace - someone not Laian, nor Orakian. Townspeople (Women): - Welcome to Yaata, the Port City - Robots aren't supposed to attack Orakians...what's going on? RIIK ----------------------------------------------------------- Townspeople (Men): - The royal city of Riik welcomes you, milord Shiin Le Cille. - Recently, even robots have been attacking us - even though they're not supposed to turn against Orakians. - The Azure Moon went up in flames! But Lord Ain must be unharmed, isn't he? Townspeople (Women): - 1000 years ago, Lune was Laia's right-hand man. Lord Orakio banished him along with the satellite of the Violet Moon, but I hear he kept himself alive through cryogenics and has now awakened. Woman Upstairs in Eastern House: - If Lord Ain had married Lady Lynn, the likes of Lune would've been already done for. Child Upstairs in Western House: - Some Laian named Lune has been attacking us from the west! RIIK CASTLE ----------------------------------------------------------- Nobles: - Lune had been searching for "Laia's Treasure" in the desert world. But Lune and his cohorts couldn't use the machines needed to dive underwater, so they gave up. - Queen Lynn has splendidly held Lune's armies of monsters in check. Soldiers: - The monsters under Lune's control have destroyed the neighboring kingdom of Satera. They've built a bridge across the river and have been attacking us! - The western half of this dome has fallen to a Laian called Lune. Sari: ...Is that so... So Ain...met his death as befitting a king... So many have died because of this war... We must find a way to stop it... Rumor has it that a world to the southwest holds an ancient machine that can be used to find "Laia's Treasure." The treasure, they say, holds the power to stop this war. NORTHERN GRANDIRECTA ----------------------------------------------------------- Townspeople (Men): - Welcome to the northern city of Glorious Grandirecta! Townspeople (Women): - On the other side of the castle lies the southern half of Grandirecta town. Leave there and head across the river to find the true pilots. GRANDIRECTA CASTLE ----------------------------------------------------------- Nobles: - Lord Rulakir dwells somewhere within our spaceship, the Alisa III. There is nothing to fear as long as Lord Rulakir survives! Soldiers: - Ohhh - that's a Searren-type robot, isn't it?! With the Submarine Parts, it can dive beneath the waves; with the Sky Parts, it can soar through the clouds; and with the Marine Parts, it can sail over the ocean! So they say; a truly all-purpose robot! King: - Have you heard? Lord Rulakir has resurfaced in this world, they say. Lord Rulakir is Lord Orakio's twin brother. And he is our new god! SOUTHERN GRANDIRECTA ----------------------------------------------------------- Townspeople (Old Men): - There were once some who opposed Lune in a cave far to the west. It seems they were hiding a machine that would enable one to search for the treasure of the desert world. I'm pretty sure it was a diving machine... Townspeople (Women): - The people of the village of Pilota, to the west, are those who now set the course of this ship. With Laia's Treasure, you could cross over to that village. WHIRLPOOL ----------------------------------------------------------- Searren: There is an underground waterway. I will follow it and dive below. (Searren transforms into submersible mode and dives.) Narrator: You've surfaced in another world hidden beneath the desert dome... LAIA’S PALACE ----------------------------------------------------------- Old Men: - Lady Laia entrusted the future of 1,000 years hence to her young sister... - For 1,000 years, from generation to generation, we have protected our sleeping beauty... Over the ages, she has awoken for only one month every seven years... - The sleeping princess is the younger sister of the legendary goddess Laia. Her name is also Laia... The goddess of legend Laia gave her younger sister her own name. - If you wish to learn the truth, use Lady Laia's Star of Mystery to unlock the southwest cave and head for the world of snow! Laia: My name is Laia... I am the younger sister of the Laia who ascended into legend. I inherited my name from my elder sister, the Laia who fought Orakio... I was still very young then, so I don't remember much about my sister - but the image of her leaving at the side of a knight with a black sword remains with me to this day... I wish to learn the truth about my sister. Please take me with you to the outside world. Narrator: Laia joined the party! MYSTOKE ----------------------------------------------------------- Townspeople (Women): - Please, hurry to Mystoke Castle - those whose coming was foretold by legend... - The truth of Lady Laia and Lord Orakio will be revealed within Mystoke. - At last, Lady Laia's kin has come to Mystoke, the Castle of Silence... - Hold Laia's pendant to your ear, then tell its truth to Lune. You can reach Lune's Violet Moon from Pilota, south of Grandirecta. - You will be tested to see if you are worthy of the name of Laia. When you obtain the Laia Pendant, all of Laia's temples will open to you. MYSTOKE CASTLE ----------------------------------------------------------- (The party finds Laia’s Pendant and uses it.) Narrator: Laia holds the pendant to her ear...and a beautiful voice is heard... "I hereby impart the truth of this world to my sister. 1000 years before your time, I fought Orakio. During that war, Orakio and I both suffered wounds and lost friends. But we were being deceived...manipulated - both our side, with the wondrous powers we wielded, and Orakio's, with all the machines over which it held dominion. There was an unholy power that had set our two peoples at war... When Orakio and I came to this realization, we lost many friends, such as Lune. And so, Orakio and I are leaving now, alone, to confront this unholy power. To you, I leave the name of Laia and my pendant. Farewell... My little sister..." PILOTA ----------------------------------------------------------- Townspeople (Men): - I understand that the satellite of the Azure Moon was destroyed... Townspeople (Old Men): - The explosion of the satellite of the Azure Moon was just dreadful... Townspeople (Women): - Welcome to the village of Pilota, home to the pilots of the domed spaceship the Alisa III. Do you want to go to Lune's satellite, the Violet Moon? The entrance to our shuttlepad is at the end of the path that runs along the south of this village. - The beam that struck the Azure Moon satellite came from a dome that should be devoid of towns and castles... VIOLET MOON ----------------------------------------------------------- Soldiers: - Lord Lune, the emperor of the satellite of the Violet Moon, is bitterly depressed. - So Lady Laia's younger sister who travels with you... so SHE was Laia's treasure... - The parts that will enable that robot to fly in the sky are below. We Laians can't use them; maybe you can do something with them? Please use them to go to the floating city in the world of snow. Borrow the power of those who live there to defeat the unholy one. Lune: I am Lune - Lune Kay Eshyr, heir to the house of Eshyr. I fought as Lady Laia's right hand against Orakio 1000 years ago. I was banished along with this satellite by Orakio and spent the time in cryogenic hibernation... When I awoke, I burned with the desire for revenge and continued a campaign of oppression against the Orakian people. But I was wrong...I did horrible things I can never undo. Luise: I am Lune's younger sister, Luise. Like my brother, I also spent 1,000 years in sleep. Soon after I awoke, I was captured by Orakians...and that only angered my brother further. Please forgive him! The destruction of Satera and the rest was indeed our doing...but the monsters now rampaging are the creation of a different power. Luna: Father's strength has completely left him... But I, too, am a descendant of generations of warriors - a daughter of the house of Eshyr! I will atone for Father's mistake with my own blood. Father! Lend me your Lune Slicer! CLANCLAIRE ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyborgs: - WELCOME TO THE WANDERING CASTLE OF CLANCLAIRE, KIN OF ORAKIO AND LAIA. - PLEASE DO NOT TAKE MY MASTERS FROM ME... Old Men: - To conquer the unholy power that is trying to destroy the world, you will need the ultimate weapons. - The ultimate weapons are empowered by a special name! This name has been sealed away, to prevent these weapons from becoming too fearsome in their might. - The Arms of Legend are those weapons with which the heroes of old fought with their hearts and souls. There are five: Orakio's Sword, the Miun Claw, the Siren Shot, Laya's Bow, and the Lune Slicer! - The special name means "the weapon that is not a weapon" in the language of ancient Algol. It was once sealed away in Sage Isle...which lies in the world of the Laian lands your grandfather once visited! To go to Sage Isle, you will need the ancient machine that lies on the floor below. But can you claim it, I wonder? If you are confident, go and try. - If we learn the special name, we can use its power to transform the Arms of Legend into the world's mightiest weapons! FOUNDRY ----------------------------------------------------------- Old Men: - In this secret village of Foundry, thou shall learn of our lost heritage. - Heed well the words of the storytellers who keep our history alive. - Listen well! We are the descendants of the people of a planet called Parma... Parma, which was said to shine the most beautifully of all the planets in the Algol star system... The people there desired for little beyond what their loved ones gave them, and gave far more than for what their loved ones asked... and that was joy, for the Parmans. We - and you - are the descendants of the people of Parma. - Listen well! We are the descendants of the people of a planet called Parma... On mother Parma, our ancestors dwelled in happiness. But because of the Power Unholy, which is said to appear once every 1,000 years, our Parma was destroyed... - Listen well! We are the descendants of the people of a planet called Parma... 2,000 years ago, the heroes Ohario and Aina challenged the Power Unholy when it appeared on Parma. But.....they did not win........ - Listen well! We are the descendants of the people of a planet called Parma... Knowing Ohario and Aina had fallen, the people resolved to abandon Parma. In secret, they built a fleet of 400 ships. And, just before the Power Unholy destroyed Parma...the ships launched. - Listen well! We are the descendants of the people of a planet called Parma... The 400 ships tried to escape the Power Unholy. A part of that fell power, however, had already infiltrated our ships. One by one, the ships were destroyed, until, by the Age of Orakio and Laia, only two - the Alisa III and the Neo Parma - remained... SUNKEN TEMPLE ----------------------------------------------------------- Narrator: Pulled Orakio's sword from its resting place! ......? There are some words carved into the floor... "To its destruction shall I lead the world! My name is Dark Force!" Dark Force: Well done, ye who have freed my name from its bonds! Thanks to you, I can now manifest myself in this world once more! Allow me to repay the favor by destroying both you and your world! Ha ha ha ha ha!! Narrator: You have loosed the name of Dark Force upon the world and resurrected the Power Unholy. In your anger and despair, you have acquired the technique of ultimate destruction, Megiddo! DESERT WORLD ----------------------------------------------------------- Miun: Ahh! The black sword! You ARE Lord Orakio!... I'm so glad I was able to see my Lord Orakio again before I shut down... Narrator: Miun collapsed... RYSEL ----------------------------------------------------------- Townspeople (Women): - We in Rysel haven't forgotten how your grandfather once saved us... Child Upstairs in Technique Shop: - They say that long ago there were Laian lands across the sea, but they're now destroyed! AGOE ----------------------------------------------------------- Townspeople (Old Men): - The one-eyed knight of legend, Lyle, he whom they say fought through the flames...I met him just once, when I was young. Townspeople (Women): - Agoe, Country of the People of the Sword, is for now at peace. AGOE CASTLE ----------------------------------------------------------- Soldiers: - There are those who say they saw a robot crossing the sea... - I hear there's an island called "Sage Isle" in this dome... It'd sure be nice if the sages who live there would share some of their wisdom with me! Nobles: - Nothing but strange things have been happening around here lately... King: - I bid you fair welcome to Agoe Castle! SAGE ISLE ----------------------------------------------------------- - People call this place Sage Isle... - You wish to learn the sealed word, you say - that which in ancient Algol means "the weapon that is not a weapon"? - Fools! - Long ago, there were those who held all five weapons needed to break the seal. But their forces split in two, and the weapons were scattered to the winds... - If you wish to break the seal and learn the lost word, then gather together the scattered Arms of Legend! Siren: I fought with Lord Orakio 1,000 years ago, but Laia locked me away on Satellite. I swore vengeance on Laia. When Satellite drew near again, I finally had my chance, and I resumed killing Laians. I broke Lord Orakio's law... But here on Sage Isle, I learned of Lord Orakio's real enemy. I hope I can apologize to Lord Orakio and Laia in the next world... Narrator: Siren collapsed. SAGE ISLE (after speaking with Siren) ----------------------------------------------------------- Old Men: - People call this place Sage Isle... - The Arms of Legend you bear instill in us deep sadness... - All the Arms of Legend have been gathered together for the first time... - Perhaps the time has come to break the seal... - Listen well! We will now break the seal! "The weapon that is not a weapon"...that which was brought into this world to give it a brief glimmer of light... The name of "Nei"... Narrator: The beautiful ancient word of "Nei" has been revived! Through its power, Mieu has learned the Grantz technique! SAGE ISLE (after hearing the word Nei) ----------------------------------------------------------- - People call this place Sage Isle. - They say the greatest blemish on this world was born in an unblemished place... - Orakio's twin pains me to say it, but he has become tainted with evil... - Those weapons endowed with the name of Nei shall break down the world of lies... - With this, the events of 1,000 years ago shall be repeated! LOTT ----------------------------------------------------------- Townspeople (Men): - Welcome, kin of Laians, to Lott, the Orakian Artisans' Village... - I am Quisto, the village headman. My, I've met those robot and android girls once before! Townspeople (Women): - I am Elina, wife of the head of the village, Quisto. FLOTRAAN ----------------------------------------------------------- Townspeople (Men): - Beneath this world lie the engines that propel our ship. We are the descendants of the engineers that made them run! Townspeople (Women): - Do you know why Flotraan is called the Castle of Power? Man Upstairs in Weapon Shop: - The descendants of the spaceship’s pilots live on the other side of the ship. It's always "do this!" "do that!" from them - what a bunch of loudmouths! LENSOL ----------------------------------------------------------- Townspeople (Old Men): - Welcome, Laians, to Lensol, the Castle of Lost Technology. - The people of this country have battled Laians for generations. But not now! It seems our true enemy lies elsewhere! LASHUTE ----------------------------------------------------------- Nobles: - Please enjoy a good, long rest in our Holy Capital of Lashute. - The great king of this capital is Lord Rulakir... Orakio's elder twin brother... - A strange power has kept Lord Rulakir alive for 1,000 years... Guards: - Lord Rulakir lost his family in the war of 1,000 years ago... - Lord Rulakir dreams of a world of absolute peace... (The party speaks with Rulakir.) Rulakir: ...the waves break onto the shore...on a beach glistening with light... ...but...those very waves are inevitably drawn back into the ocean's dark depths... Just as I, no matter how desperately I struggle to protect my own life's joy, am inevitably overwhelmed... So is it with us all...and with you, ye of my blood. CLANCLAIRE (after hearing the word “Nei”) ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyborgs: - WELCOME TO THE WANDERING CASTLE OF CLANCLAIRE, KIN OF ORAKIO AND LAIA. - MY MASTERS...THEIR LIVES ARE NOW... Old Men: - Well done! You have obtained the lost name. - And so, we shall offer up our lives in prayer, and in exchange, the ultimate weapons shall be born. The Arms of Legend shall now become those that bear the name of Nei! - Destroy the dark one with the arms bearing the name of Nei... - Equip yourselves with the Nei weapons! - It seems as if our duties are at an end. LASHUTE (after gaining the Nei Weapons) ----------------------------------------------------------- Nobles: - Find your eternal rest in the Unholy Capital of Lashute! - We were the ones who stole Marina's memory and brought her to Riik! And in return, in his search for Marina, your grandfather called back the satellites for us! Thanks to him, Siren and Lune awakened and started a great war! - Laia closed the passageways between all the worlds out of fear that the war would spread. But your father opened them one after another for us! Guards: - How gracious of you to break the seal on the name of our god, Dark Force! Thanks to you, our god can now manifest himself in physical form. - You have done everything completely according to our plans! Die now, by the very foolishness that has been your undoing! Rulakir: So finally you have come, ye who bear the blood of my brother... I am he who has sold his soul to the God of Destruction, Dark Force... Do you know why? I lost my wife and child in the wars of 1,000 years ago... It was then that it came to me...that we have no need of this world! That it all...should cease to exist. (A battle between Rulakir and the party ensues. Rulakir is defeated.) Rulakir: believe that strongly in the possibility of joy... Then go beyond, and destroy the dark god... Farewell... kin of my brother! Narrator: Rulakir has departed for the world where his wife and child await... (The party finds Dark Force in a chest in Lashute’s dungeon.) Dark Force: I am Dark Force! That which exists only to destroy! Your anger, suffering, and sorrow are my joy! Humanity shall never know happiness as long as I exist! Now it's your turn! Find your painful deaths in my embrace! (A battle between Dark Force and the party ensues. Dark Force is defeated.) Dark Force: This time, I'll have to be content with eliminating one satellite... But I am the King of Demons, given life every 1,000 years... How will your descendants fare, I wonder, when I next appear? Narrator: Dark Force disappears! Shiin: To think that so many good people died because of these monsters...! Narrator: Shiin's anger triggered the technique of ultimate destruction, Megiddo. (Shiin casts Megiddo. Lashute begins to crumble.) Searren: The explosions from Megiddo are tearing the floating city apart! Luna: Hurry! We've got to get out of here! Laia: There's no time! We'll never make it! (Mieu casts Grantz.) Mieu: Please - spare those I love from any further pain! Narrator: Mieu's heartfelt wish activated the technique of light, Grantz! Through the power of Grantz, Mieu and the others were teleported outside the floating city! (Lashute falls from the sky.) Narrator: The floating city of the disciples of darkness sunk to the bottom of the lake... (A second spaceship appears near Alisa III.) Mieu: Look in the sky, Shiin! Laia: It's...a ship that looks just like ours... Luna: Is that the other survivor from our decimated fleet? Searren: We are receiving a transmission from that spaceship. I will read it! Transmission: ...To the Alisa III, lost for 1000 years...... ..This is the control room of the spaceship Neo Parma..... ....We saw the light of the explosion in space and came to help out.... ...You're missing a satellite; was that the explosion?......... ...Anyhow, we're glad to have found a friend again in the vast void of space. ...Let's continue our journey together - for a thousand years more.