The Road to Lunar II Lunar II Plot Development Outline Taken from the Lunar I & II artbook, pgs. 82-87. The document outlines the provisional plots the development team considered on the way to the final story of the Mega CD Lunar II: Eternal Blue. Please forgive me if this document has been translated previously. Being a translation of a Japanese article, this document uses the original Japanese names for people and places, which sometimes differ from the English versions. Equivalents: Hiero = Hiro Mink = Ruby [Actually, she's still "Ruby" in the Japanese game, but the name change was very late in production, so she's "Mink" all throughout here.] Vheen = Vane Laiek = Laike Dain = Dyne Maight = Myght Batanen = Taben Machine Mountain = the Grindery Arhes = Alex Luhna = Luna Guen = Gwyn Rong-fa = Ronfar Saylan ["sye-lahn"] - Salyan the Valgan = the Destiny the Order of Althena = the Cult of Althena Fidy = Quark Mauli = Mauri A couple characters are at first referred to by their early names; their identities should be evident from context. A few characters who were ultimately scrapped are mentioned in the plot summaries with no introduction - occasionally, with little to no information as to who the heck they are. These cases are not due to omitted information on my part; the original text is just as opaque. Also, whenever there's mention of the Lunar 1 cast taking part in a Lunar 2 story, they're referred to as "Lunar II characters.". This might be a reference to the character sketches beginning on pg. 96, which depict the Lunar 1 cast a few years after the original story; they are labeled as "Lunar II" sketches (possibly, but not necessarily, remnants from even earlier concepts not detailed here; the labels are preceded with a kanji that can mean either "provisional" or "fake"). Anyhow, I've changed "Lunar II" to "Lunar I" in these instances in a now-futile attempt to avoid confusion. Any explanation or commentary by me, the translator, is in brackets. Note is made of certain images elsewhere in the artbook that illustrate the scenarios described within; I'll try to highlight these at their corresponding points. Translation by R. Capowski at, 4/22/10. Lunar is copyright...well, whoever at this point (OK, GameArts and XSEED); this document is not affiliated with any of them. The Road to Lunar II It was a tale about two and a half years in the making. If you look back to the initial concepts and read forward, it will become clear that the changes in plan were quite substantial. Since it's now so difficult to imagine anything different from the finished story, we thought we'd in this part take a look at the Lunar that never was. You'll double your pleasure if you refer back to the illustrations on the other pages while reading through. July 1992 Everyone on the Lunar staff meets at Shiriyaki Onsen and braves a Lunar boot camp, and, in between a few refreshing games of mah-jongg, the general direction of the story takes shape. [Note: "Shiriyaki" means "burnt butt" in English. Yes, I can see how Shigema and Victor Ireland got along just fine. C'mon, you know that's why Shigema chose it.] 7/19 Synopsis 01 & 02 - Takeshi Hino A giant tree (think World Tree) grows in dimly-lit earth. In the surface of this tree are countless amber sarcophagi in which mummies are interred. One of these amber coffins begins to shine from within with a pale light, and the girl inside awakens. [A version of this scene is roughly storyboarded on pg. 86.] ... Hiero, Mink, and Calvin (Hiero's best friend) go to "Advent Temple" for some unauthorized excavation through an entrance that appears only during sandstorms. Here, Hiero witnesses the moment of the arrival of the mysterious girl Lucia. Lucia commands Hiero to take her to Althena. Lucia, we gradually come to understand, is a girl who is somehow in some aspects something more than human, but Hiero comes to find her charming. On the journey, we hear a legend about how when the "Star of Mystery" draws near, Althena's world will meet its end. ... Hiero and his friends travel to the Star of Mystery through Lucia's power. There, they confront its supreme deity, Gaias. Gaias is actually a female deity too. They win the battle against Gaias and succeed in sealing her away. ... September 1992 At this stage, we start to make adjustments to the course we've taken so far, intending to use the ideas we hit upon at the onsen retreat as a basis. At this point, the Lunar I characters are still involved. 9/21 Lunar II Outline Kei Shigema Hiero is a magician who has been dispatched from the Vheen Magic Guild. [There's a sketch of magician Hiero on pg. 14, though it's not much more than an image of Hiero with a wand. The sketch notes peg him as a "kazetsukai" (windmancer? aeromancer?).] This is his first job. Impulsive and scatterbrained, with a sentimental fondness for the old fairy-tale values ["naniwabushi" in the original Japanese; this word doesn't translate well to English], he is definitely not an honor student. Thanks, though, to his courage and his tendency to overlook the little details, he ends up dispatched to a ship bound for the Frontier. ... The vessel is both a passenger ship and a supply ship that visits the reclaimed villages scattered about the edge of a sea of sand. [This sea of sand is depicted on the upper-left of pg. 78.] Among the passengers are three people of interest. One is Giban, a swordsman in his late middle age who always takes time to spar with Hiero in swordfights (Laiek, naturally). Another is the girl Jean, a self-proclaimed dancing girl. She's actually the sole keeper of an ancient form of kenpo that's been passed down for generations. For some reason, she no longer practices this kenpo and travels about as a dancer. There's also the well-built priest [or monk - "souryo"] Growd. He seems to be on a long journey in search of his wife, who has somehow been separated from him (disappeared?), but he won't give many details. ... Ignoring Mink's exhortations to the contrary, Hiero reaches his hand out toward the light. He seems to be entranced by the image of a young lady floating in the beam of light. Could this be the reincarnated form of Althena!? When Hiero touches the light, it completely engulfs him. And then a stupendous power flows into his body. "What is this power inside me? Wha, what could it be - this magic power!?" ... "_You're_ Laiek - or, should I say, former Dragonmaster Dain! To think I would find _you_ in a place like this! And _you_, Maight!!" The party is stunned. This man is Sion, the exiled Batanen's only son, and he claims to have declared war upon the world to settle his father's old grudges. According to Sion, the one trying to destroy the world of Lunar is none other than Lucia herself. The party is stunned. ... A vision is projected before the party's eyes. It is a memory of a battle that took place a thousand years ago. We are on the outskirts of the Magic City Althena. There is a giant, towering Machine Mountain (several times larger than the one Ghaleon used). All of its artillery opens fire at once. Its target is a giant object, mysterious and sinister, in the sky. A battle takes place between the Star of Mystery and Machine Mountain. It looks, however, as if the Machine Mountain is about to be pushed back and defeated. At this point, Vheen arises from Althena [the city, presumably, though it's not specified]. It combines its forces with the Machine Mountain. The goddess Althena against Medreusa, the Star of Mystery. And Lucia of the Earth, the Blue Star in the sky (so the party thinks) as well. Images of the three intersect. And so, the Star of Mystery is destroyed. The Medreusa in the mysterious mirror writhes in agony. [Note: I don't know if the mirror - "nazo no kagami" - is just a generic mysterious mirror or if that's supposed to be a proper name, the Mirror of Mystery.] The mirror cracks and then is shattered. At the same time, the Machine Mountain is also destroyed; the Magic City Althena lies half in ruins as well. It is then that the mysterious mirror unleashes its dying blow. The whole of Lunar quakes. The moon reels on its axis. The Blue Star streaks across the sky with frightening speed. Lucia and Althena (an image of them), their hands outstretched...but never meeting. In a catastrophic blow, the moon's dark and light sides have exchanged places. ... November 1992 Although we've settled on the general direction of the story and the layout of the world, the details of the plot drift in and out of focus; it's a difficult time in the production (?). The plot is all a jumble, and it looks like we're concocting one strange brew. 11/8 Lunar II Production Plan Kei Shigema At the center of Lunar lies a Genesis System-like world-creation device that transformed the dead moon into a planet filled with life. This is the source of all magic power. Only Althena can set the Genesis into motion - and she did so only once, long ago, with the result being the world of Lunar as we now know it. On the Earth sleeps a spare goddess. That is Lucia. [Lucia, the Emergency Back-Up Goddess. Break crystal in case of emergency.] She observes a disaster take place on the moon and awakens. If necessary, she will once again remake the face of Lunar. Lucia heads to Lunar to meet with Althena and learn the details of the incident. On the moon, a grand-scale magic war is taking place, and Arhes, his friends, and all of the Lunar I characters each play a part in the battle. Timewise, it's eighteen years after the previous story (Arhes is 33; his child is 16). [Nothing of MTV's "16 and Pregnant" survived the catastrophe on the Blue Star, I see.] Formerly innocuous creatures who have come in contact with the Genesis absorb its power and grow to an enormous size. Someone with ambition and ill will is attempting to use these creatures for their own benefit. ... If Genesis is activated, then all existing life on Lunar will be annihilated to make way for the new - and the key to doing so is Lucia. The dragons speak. They say that Lucia will decide, through all that she has seen and witnessed on her adventure, whether or not to remake the moon anew. Lunar has begun to revert to a dead world, the reason being the foolishness of the humans who fail to understand the true nature of what they call "magic power" - and Lunar's reversion has been considerably accelerated by their magic war. Lucia, though, speaks as if she wants to gamble on the slim chance found within humans. Upon hearing her decision, the Genesis Dragon attempts once again to return to sleep. At that moment, however, a great power seizes the dragon and Lucia. The dread Gargantua has been activated. A mountain of a superweapon, the Gargantua goes berserk upon gaining the power of both the dragon and Lucia. Instantly, Lunar begins to revert to a dead world [more demonstrably, I assume, than the previous process]. It is then that a mysterious warrior mage in a black mask from Regius's side appears. Beneath the mask is a resurrected Ghaleon. What began with the Machine Mountain, he says, will be finished with the Gargantua. He sacrifices his life to send Hiero to the Gargantua. Hiero and company destroy the core of the Gargantua. The world of Lunar begins to return to normal. January-February 1993 With the use of Lunar I characters narrowed down to Ghaleon and Nall, we think about character settei in connection with the plot. Here, both Dain and Arhes disappear from the story. 1/27 Plot Study Kei Shigema Luhna: Lucia has come to (the ruins of?) Burg village to meet with Luhna. Within some ruins guarded by Nall, Hiero and Lucia listen to a message left by Luhna. Lucia is shocked when she hears of the path Luhna chose. She also learns of the reason why the present world is on the verge of destruction (this is the misunderstanding/before-daybreak settei). [Note: the "misunderstanding/before daybreak" settei might be the lower set of settei on top part of pg. 86. It bears a strong resemblance to the Hiero/Lucia cutscene in Larpa in the finished game.] At the same time, she decides that she herself must become Althena and return this world to its previous state. Luhna, sensing this, responds: "Lucia, believe in humanity...believe in life." ... Althena's Resurrection: Lucia resolves to revive the Four Dragons and the Genesis Dragon in order to gain Althena's power. She tells Hiero to become a Dragonmaster and save the world, and tells him that reviving the Four Dragons and the goddess Althena will be necessary in order for him to become a Dragonmaster. ... Ghaleon (Black Knight Leon): Ghaleon has been resurrected by the bad guys who have themselves been resurrected in the goddess's absence. In their eyes, if Ghaleon is resurrected, then he, so indebted and nursing a deep hatred for the goddess and Dragonmaster, will naturally fight on their side as their strongest warrior. Through previous events, however, Ghaleon has come to recognize his mistakes and knows the power of humanity's faith, and so he aids Hiero's quest in secret and becomes the one who shows Lucia the way. ... Nall (the White Blitz): In the Desert of Death (the lunar surface) lies a lone outpost overflowing with vegetation like an oasis. Seen from above, it takes the shape of a giant dragon. In truth, this is the place where Nall sleeps - the place that holds Arhes and Luhna's graves. There we find a bratty boy of about seventeen with white hair and a foul mouth named the White Blitz. He is actually the alter ego (?) of Nall, but the only one who realizes this is Lucia. He carries the Sword of Althena around on his back, but it has been sealed away in chains by Arhes and Luhna. ... March 1993 Back to Lunar boot camp. Based on our meetings there, we tackle our story development anew. Several [ideas] emerge at this time. 3/1 Lunar II Boot Camp (2/28-3/1) Memos Shigema & Hino 2/28 Meeting: We explain the moon/earth worldview. We handle Gideon by showing him in a specific role, the Viceroy of the Magic Empire or something. Zophar himself is present in the form of a child. Mink's good as a mischief-making little sister. At the climax, the stage is set. Thanks to her involvement with Nall, Mink transforms into a human, but only for events. For Lee's event, we'll have something happen at maybe his mother's or his little sister's village. Lee believes that he has been rescued by Gideon. Through viewing Ghaleon's resurrection scene through the fairies' spring [as with a television or other farviewing device], both Hiero and the player become aware of his revival. Lucia's makeover is the first bathing scene. Alternatively, maybe Jean could dress her. There's a change of clothes at the carnival. (Note: Gideon is Pope of the Order of Althena. [These parentheses are never closed.] The country [whose throne] Jean's little brother is due to take over is falling into the Order of Althena's hands. Maybe due to Zophar's curse or something. Clara. The Order of Althena is encroaching on the authority of the Magic Guild. The only name in the guild registry is Clara's. She's wandering the world over looking for talented magicians. There's an old handyman in Vheen. Before the battle with Zophar's true form, Lucia heals everyone. Hiero and party battle with Zophar, who has merged with Lucia. During the course of the battle, Lucia comes to believe in the power of the humans, where before she could not bring herself to do so. With that, the two [Zophar and Lucia] are separated. Before this, we'll set up a visual of Zophar capturing Lucia's soul (light or something). 3/8 Lunar II Outline Takeshi Hino The Big Kite: Hiero and his party are cornered on the roof of the bridge of a ship. Suddenly, a giant kite appears; Hiero and the others hitch a ride and get away. Guen sent it, and so they land on his high-speed ship. They are subsequently pursued by Lee, who is attempting to fulfill his duty and apprehend Lucia. Blue Dragon Village: There is talk of lifting a seal on the Blue Dragon. At the center of an illusionary lake lies a village. The Blue Dragon is sealed within. The lake takes a special shape - a pentagram or something. Vheen: Vheen is currently an earthbound city. Clara's mother is there. She's a quiet, calm person. We depict Clara as resolving that "I'll fight, even if there's not a single silver in it!" Everyone is floored at such a sentiment coming from the stingy Clara. Clara: "*What!?!* Not _everything_ in the world comes down to money, you know!" The Town of Sodom: For various reasons, the town is turning to dust (reverting back to the normal lunar surface). Hiero proceeds to help the residents of this barren town. Lucia has given up the town as a lost cause and doesn't understand why Hiero is trying to save them. The incident is consequently portrayed as one of the things by which Hiero gradually changes Lucia. Radius's Keep: There is a battle with Lee inside the castle, but during the fight, Lee sheathes his sword: "I understand no longer _what_ is true..." [A small sketch of Leo saying a variation of this phrase, with Lucia and Hiero reacting, can be found on the lower right of pg. 34. Leo uses "sessha" here, an archaic first-person pronoun used primarily by samurai, which suggests that he used FF6 Cyan/Cayenne-speak in the early stages.] After a long struggle, the party finally reaches Radius - only to find Guen already there. Guen tries to talk Radius down, but Radius brushes Guen's words aside, attacks him, and runs away. Guen says, "All this heartbreak began when Radius and myself - and your own father - unearthed Zophar's soul [on an archaeological expedition, presumably]. He was seized by the waves of evil emanated by Zophar and went down the wrong path. Henceforth, your father and I could think of nothing but sealing Zophar away. I placed my faith in my studies. But your father, Hiero - he placed all of his faith in _you._" Radius flees to a room at the top floor of his castle dedicated to the worship of Zophar. When Hiero wins the battle with Radius, Radius calls to "Master Zophar......" for help. Zophar suddenly appears atop the dreadful statue of the dark god there enshrined and blasts Radius with black light. Radius is transformed into a hideous monster. Zophar says, "Hee hee. This form suits you well, Radius! ......Bye bye, Hiero. [Yes, he actually says "bai bai".] I'll leave you to Ghaleon; I'll see you dead for sure this time." Zophar departs, and there is another fight with the monster Radius. He then falls from the balcony. ... The Red Dragon Cave: "If I get rid of the Red Dragon, Lord Zophar will _have_ to save me! Die, Red Dragon Child!!" Radius shreds Mink's neck with his sharp claws. Gouts of fresh blood gush out. Radius flings Mink into the lava. "There'll be no resurrecting the Red Dragon now!" After the battle with Radius, Hiero is overcome with grief, but then, the lava begins to stir violently. And then, a beautiful Red Dragon is reborn from the lava. Mink: "It's me, Hiero! I'm sorry for making you worry. When Red Dragons become adults, they have to shed their old bodies in the lava. Now, let's head for Vheen!" Ruby gives Hiero a lift and spreads her wings. Vheen: "Ever since I first met you, Hiero, you've always tried so hard to do the very best for me...... Having just come to this world, I just took it all for granted. But now, I understand just how wonderful that was. And not just you, Hiero - Jean, Clara, and Rong-fa, too. And for even Lee - Lee, who was my enemy - to say that he would fight with us! I think I truly understand now how Althena felt - what she was thinking when she left everything up to the humans...... I entrust humanity with the future of this planet. Now, it is time for me to seal Zophar away using Althena's power. Wait here, Hiero. I won't put any of you in any more danger!!" So saying, Lucia disappears. "LUCIA!! WAIT!!" Hiero's screams echo unanswered throughout the heavens. Suddenly, Hiero hears a voice from behind him. Ghaleon: "That girl hasn't a _chance_ of sealing away Zophar..." Dark God's Cave: "You have grown soft from the humans, Lucia; you pose no threat to me!" A black demonic hand emanated by Zophar seizes Lucia. It snatches away a light from within her (a symbol of her soul and power). Lucia, suffering, coughs out, "Hiero, run away". Her eyes lose their life and light, and her face becomes expressionless. Zophar embeds the light he stole from Lucia within his forehead, and transforms into a fiendish monster. Lucia is an empty husk, but during the battle with Hiero, tears begin to well from her eyes. Then, the light of Lucia's soul, before trapped within Zophar's forehead, returns to Lucia's flesh. ... Lucia: "This is all that I can do. I will say no more. I believe in you all. This is the final battle. Crush Zophar's dark power with the power of humanity!! The future and the light lies in humanity's hands. Now is the time to seize it!" ... Ending: The final, bonus dungeon is set in a ghost ship in the desert. [This ship is shown on the bottom of pg. 80.] When he reaches the depths of the dungeon, there is a character movie that depicts Hiero being teleported toward the Blue Star. ... Cutscene. Hiero finally finds Lucia. Awakened, Lucia, bursts into a smile of surprise but also utmost joy. Hiero and Lucia embrace, and their lips meet. August 1993 It's been one year, and while there are changes in the fine details, the overall story is roughly in place. Whew. 8/16 Lunar II Game Plot Takeshi Hino Mink and Hiero are in some craggy mountains; they crash (a continuation from the opening). When they try to climb down, "White Knight Leo" of the Order of Althena appears aboard the battleship Valgan and converses with Hiero. The wake of the Valgan continues all the way to the village of Torone. Hiero and Mink live in the oasis neighboring Torone village. Panicked, Hiero and Mink follow the Valgan's wake back to their home. ... ......Leo is coming out of Hiero's house. He and Hiero chat a little once more, and Leo departs in the battleship Valgan. After handing a book to his grandfather Guen, Hiero witnesses a light descend to the Blue Spire. To investigate this incident, Guen heads for the Blue Spire, with Hiero in tow. ... ...... The Port Town of Azado: This is the battleship Valgan's home port; it boasts a giant dock. Take a ship from here, and you can reach the holy city of Pentagulia. As soon as he enters the town, Hiero sees a monster appear and attack the villagers. ...... ... When Hiero and his party speak of a connection between the monster and the Order of Althena, Leo refuses to believe it, but he agrees to go the small island mentioned if everyone else stays behind and he and Hiero go all alone. [Please get your mind out of the gutter.] At the lowest level of this coastal islet, they find a priest of the Order summoning a monster. The priest attempts to shut Leo and Hiero up by killing them, but, unable to do so, he runs off. There is a warp device leading to the temple through which the priest escapes. ... At the mining town of Zaback, they insert the Black Dragon's heart and revive the Black Dragon. They receive the Black Dragon Crest. The Black Dragon has kind of a White Dragon Fidy vibe to him here. Thanks to the Black Dragon's revival, the battleship Valgan is now able to set sail. [Note: it's not mentioned if the Valgan was disabled at this point and is now operational again, like in the finished game, if it was never seaworthy for the party previously and becomes so now, or what.] The Fairy Village of Trall: Fairies live here. They fear humans, but they don't fear Lucia. Hiero and company help with their spring, which seems to be drying up. When they beat a boss inside a cave, the spring is revived. When they drink from the revived spring, its sacred power allows them to cross the poison swamp. [The village is depicted on the upper-right of pg. 78.] Within the deepest depths of Meribia's underground sewers, they encounter the Cult of the Third Eye and its master, the Man with the Third Eye. They manage to defeat the cultists, but the Man with the Third Eye is able to escape. However, it is here that Jean is able to gain "incontrovertible proof" that the Man with the Third Eye exists. Kai, the Estuary Village: We see a village divided by a river, spanning its opposite shores. Relations between the men and the women of the village are strained; they are always arguing with each other. Therefore, the party is not allowed to cross the bridge in the village to the other shore and so cannot continue forward. After obtaining an item, relations between the men and women are repaired, and the party proceeds on. The White Dragon Wings activate spontaneously, and the party is teleported to the forest of Shine. Mink tells the story of her becoming a human girl. She was once able to become human, but her chest was flat and her rear was small. It wouldn't really be enough, Mink thinks, to compete against Lucia. Mink thinks that when she becomes an adult dragon, she'll be able to become a beautiful young woman with a bouncy chest and a slamming rear. [This would be the stupidest idea ever pseudo-entered into the entire Lunar canon were it not for the existence of Day-Glo Jason Voorhees.] She makes up her mind not to transform into a human until that happens. In the bowels of the earth lies the village of Saylan. Beside Saylan lies a lake of "black water" (oil), in the center of which looms the Tower of the Sun. The sun is magic, created by the fiery breath of the Red Dragon, and it once illuminated this underground world. Since the Red Dragon has been sealed away, however, the sun has disappeared, and this world has been plunged into darkness; its people are at a loss. Nall has arrived in the village ahead of everyone else. He intends to help Mink become an adult dragon. Nall tells Mink that he has something he wants to tell her, and so Mink alone stays behind. Nall then makes a confession - once you become an adult, he says, you're going to be MY bride. Mink, half thrilled and half distressed, flies back to Hiero, thinking, "Eeek! What'm I gonna do, Hiero?". Hiero, however, is engaged in happy conversation with Lucia. Mink says, "Hey, Nall confessed his feelings for me. But if I marry Nall, you'll be lost, won't you, Hiero?" Hiero, however, is unequivocally happy for her, congratulating her. Lucia, too, says "I'm glad for you, Mink!", etc. Mink is saddened. She flies out on Hiero, heading for Rong-fa and the others, but they also say that it's a good match. Mink argues, though, that she's going to marry Hiero. "You think that because you're still a child, Mink!" says Jean. "When you grow up, you'll forget all about Hiero!" "That'll never happen!" says Mink, spitting fire at the others to chase them away. Tower of the Sun: At the top of the tower lies a giant fire ruby. When Mink breathes fire on it, it glows ablaze deep red and once again becomes the magic sun that illuminates the underground world. Mink gets all haughty: "There! I _did_ it, didn't I!" When they descend the tower, however, they discover that the lake of black water is now also ablaze. Hiero and the others are stranded, surrounded by the flames. Being still a child, Mink knows how to start fires but not how to put them out. At the point where Mink is about to break down in tears, Nall appears. He uses his White Dragon breath to freeze the fire and save Hiero and the village of Saylan. Nall gets angry with Mink: "It's not that simple to become an adult! _Think_, dummy!" Mink then resolves to become a true adult dragon. [Not to chatter on, but I find no fun in Ruby being forced to marry a berating jackass and am glad the team didn't go this route.] At the lowest level of the Red Dragon Cave sleeps the power Mink needs to become an adult Red Dragon. Here Nall appears and explains to Mink what to do in order to become an adult. Up until this point, Mink has been gloomy and not happy at all. She does as Nall says, but she isn't able to become an adult. The truth is, in the bottom of her heart, Mink hasn't given up on Hiero and is therefore refusing to become an adult. It is here that evil Mauli appears (as a monster). She destroys the floor, and the party is surrounded by a sea of lava. She destroys the Red Dragon's power, sending it to the bottom of the lava. Mink challenges Mauli, saying that even though she's a child and therefore has no power, she has to fight. With a flick of a claw, Mauli slashes Mink's throat and flings her body into the lava. Now the Red Dragon is dead, evil Mauli trills, and nothing stands in the way of Lord Zophar's resurrection. Just then, a beautiful adult Red Dragon rises from the lava. The flames threatening Hiero and company are allextinguished. Afterward, Hiero and the others battle and defeat evil Mauli. Mink has finally become an adult dragon. She also becomes a beautiful human female and gives Hiero a kiss. Also, she thanks Nall. Magic City of Vheen: Talking about reviving Vheen and having the final showdown with Zophar, the party heads for Vheen. Lucia is in the end unable to trust in Luhna's words and in Hiero and the others and decides to seize Althena's power and face down Zophar by herself. The Four Dragons at her side, Lucia battles Zophar. The earth is destroyed when Lucia uses Althena's power, but the city of Vheen is spared due to Lucia's protection. Showdown with Ghaleon: Zophar's fury has ravaged the world, giving its people a taste of living hell, and humanity is in despair, seeming on the brink of extinction. It is here that Ghaleon appears before the party. As a result of the battle with Ghaleon, the party discovers the possibilities of the power of humanity. Ghaleon presents them to a way to make Vheen fly again and then fades away. Hiero is entrusted with his armor. And, as proof of the words of Luhna that Lucia could not believe, Vheen, through the power of humanity, flies again. ... After half a year passed, the story assumed its current form.