Sensitive Dream kaze ni mai Birds, dancing in the wind, jiyuu ni habataku wings flapping, carefree, tori yo oshiete tell me! hito wa mina Are all people kanashimi kakushite concealing sadness hohoende ru no? behind their smiles? nee kokoro ni Ah, but if a heart tsubasa ga aa aru nara has wings... fuan sae even unease yume is a dream... ima miageru Now, I look up; hateshinai sora no aoi hoshi the blue star in an unending sky, aa fushigi na oh, with such wondrous yasashisa de ai o gentleness, izanau no invites love. asatsuyu no Flowers, that have wiped away namida o nugutta the tears of the morning dew, hana yo oshiete tell me! itsu no hi ka Will painful memories setsunai omoi mo one day awaku somaru no? all fade away? nee watashi wa Oh, I know tabidatsu yuuki sae mo nothing of even the courage wakaranai to start a journey, demo but... ima mitsumeru Now, I gaze anata no hitomi wa aoi hoshi into your eyes - they are the blue star. aa inoru no Oh - I pray towa no shiawase o for our eternal happiness itsu made mo forever and ever. Liner Notes from Lunar Songs 1: In the Mega-CD version of Lunar 1, this was the "Festival Song" in praise of Althena; it came to be Luna's dreams, wound up becoming Althena herself. My heart was just pounding when I first saw the TV commercial. Even though this song was written four whole years ago, it's a work that has become (and will be) a "must" in the series. Translation Notes: About the whole metaphor of Arhes's/Alex's eyes representing the Blue Star (which in turn represents love) - this is another one of these phrases which doesn't translate well to English, since, in Japanese, the word "hoshi" can stand for either "star" or "stars". Thus, in the song's original language, where there's no problem with a singular/plural clash, the star/eyes parallelism is seamless, but, in English, it's a little awkward to say that those _two_ eyes are this _one_ star. I really can't put the lyrics any other way, though, so please just try to understand the context here. Lines 9 and 10 have been amended for accuracy, but I'm still uneasy on them. The exact nature of the use of "sae" in line 9 is troubling me; if anyone has any insight into if I should keep the new translation or restore the old one ("that is just unease, a dream"), e-mail me. The "o" in the next-to-last line is not transcribed in the booklet but is indeed sung. Translation by Rebecca Capowski at; notify her if you see any errors. Lunar is the property of Game Arts and Working Designs; this li'l diversion isn't affiliated with either.